Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Revised Essay 2

Creativity Essay
Everyone is creative to an extent. Some nurture this talent by reading long books, others take the gift of creativity and turn it into a career becoming an artist. However, even though the word “creativity” tends to be applied to artistic activities this way of thinking is an essential part of everyday life. It is creativity that has led to great innovations in technology, business, politics and the way we as human beings interact with one another. Without creativity we would be spending all our time as a society never progressing or moving forward, our leaders would possess no greater a mind than your average everyday people, and we would be making the same mistakes over and over again because no one would be able to come up with a creative yet efficient solution. Nonetheless all of this could be avoided if the school board puts a greater emphasis on creativity by creating a class dedicated to it.
Henri Matisse, one of the best known artists of the twentieth century once said “creativity takes courage”. One may be asking why does this act of human nature, to be creative, takes courage. The reason is because creatively thinking requires a person to step out of their comfort zone to explore roads not yet taken. What most do not realize is that these are the qualities that a great leader must possess to push our nation forward. What our country needs is not someone who looks for solutions by choosing a path already explored plenty of times, we need someone who Is able to take a risk that most cannot, a risk that can be the difference between being a good country, or a great country. Challenging times require leaders who can lead others through the challenges. Now more than ever we need great leadership in our government, schools, businesses, hospitals and organizations. Good leadership won’t suffice. We need great leadership. The difference between good and great leadership is the difference between repeating a mistake and learning from it instead.                                                            Have you ever asked yourself what a peaceful solution rather than one that takes away the lives of innocent men, women, and children would look like? Probably not because the truth is that finding a solution that doesn’t involve a method used since the beginning of time (violence) is a very difficult thing to do, and this sort of problem solving requires one to think outside of the box, to think creatively. Maybe one day a solution for peace between all countries will arise but that most certainly will not happen if new methods are not utilized or created. Pursuing the construction of a class focused on this ability to solve problems creatively will benefit everyone tremendously in the future. By exercising and improving our capacity for creativity, we will learn to create better solutions to all types of problems not just political, but also economic and social, such as the problems we face in our everyday lives.
            Human beings have always progressed. This progression is what formed nations and civilizations for years and years. It is what has brought us to the point of understanding one another and realizing that we are all alike except for the minor differences that shape our personalities, and has brought us to accepting these differences without killing each other. Progression is the ability to notice when something is being done wrong and to turn this wrongdoing into something good and different, into something that makes us better people and our environments safer and more efficient. A creativity class would teach kids at an early age how to progress and make decisions that encourage innovation and progress that would best suit any environment that they were thrown in to.
            There is no negative effect to furthering a child’s education by giving them the ability to become better leaders, problem solvers, or innovators, there are only benefits. If one were to say that they believed that our children are the pathway to better brighter future and yet not advocate for a class that promotes this idea, then that person would be a fool. Creating a better learning environment for our children and teenagers, starts with implementing classes that utilize all parts of the brain, and creates a well-rounded student and human being. Hopefully LAUSD will consider this plea and see it as a new way to contribute to our present and to our future.

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